Your Complaint Matters

At People’s Choice, our aim is always to provide you with a great banking experience. But we know that things may not always go to plan. If something does go wrong, we will work with you to make it right.

In dealing with a complaint, our promise is that we will:

  1. Treat you fairly and with respect

  2. Be open and honest about what options are available

  3. Be respectful of your situation and needs

  4. Keep your information confidential

  5. Work with you to form a plan of support

Our complaint management process is available for viewing in all of our branches, on our website or upon request if you call our National Contact Centre.
Download our physical Complaint Management Promise here.

You can contact us if you have a complaint about Heritage Bank
products or services and we will make sure it is handled by the
most appropriate team.

What we'll need to know

So that we can fully understand your complaint we will need you to let us know some or all of the following information:

  1. Your name and contact details,

  2. Your account details and/or card details,

  3. Sufficient details of the complaint to allow us to properly assess it,

  4. Any names or dates you have noted if you have already spoken to
    someone about this problem, and

  5. How you feel the complaint could be resolved.

    How to contact us

    If you're unhappy with your experience, there are a number of ways to let us know.

    You can contact us if you have a complaint about Heritage Bank products or services and we will make sure it is handled by the most appropriate team.

    If you have a hearing or speech impairment, you can access additional support through the National Relay Service on 1300 555 727.
    • Talk to us

    • Online enquiry form

      To submit complaints or feedback online, use the form below.

      Enter your details and the nature of your enquiry, and a staff member will be in touch. To best assist you, please ensure you include:

      • Your name and contact details,
      • Your member number, if applicable,
      • Sufficient details of your complaint to allow us to properly assess it,
      • Any names or dates you have noted if you have already spoken to someone about this problem, and
      • How you feel the complaint could be resolved.
    • AFCA

      If you are not satisfied with your outcome, you may lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA provides free and independent financial services complaint resolution. To contact AFCA, please use the details below:

      Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
      GPO Box 3, Melbourne Vic 3001
      Telephone: 1800 931 678 (free call)

      Time limits may apply to complain to AFCA and so you should act promptly or otherwise consult the AFCA website to find out if or when the time limit relevant to your circumstances expires.

    What happens when you make a complaint?

    1. We will acknowledge your complaint promptly, either verbally or in writing, and do our best to resolve it straight away.

    2. If we can’t resolve your complaint within 5 business days, we’ll provide you with a written response informing you of the final outcome.

    3. We aim to resolve all complaints within 21 days, especially if it involves financial hardship, a default notice or notice to postpone enforcement proceedings. However, in some cases it may take up to 30 days.

    4. Your complaint may take a little longer to assess if we need more information or if your complaint is complex.

    5. In all cases, we’ll keep you updated on the progress.

    6. We may refer your complaint to our Complaints Resolution Team who will work with you to provide an outcome.

    7. If this happens, we’ll let you know and give you the direct contact details for the team member who will be managing your complaint.

      Feedback form

      Please use our feedback form to share your comments or complaints.

      Mandatory fields are indicated below
      What kind of feedback would you like to provide? *
      Please select the type of feedback you wish to provide
      Please enter numbers only
      ^[0-9]*$Please enter numbers only
      Please provide your first name
      Please provide your first name
      Please provide your last name
      Please provide your last name
      Preferred Contact Method? *
      Please select your preferred contact method
      Please select your preferred contact method
      Please provide your phone number
      Please provide your phone number^[0-9]*$

      Please enter numbers only

      Please provide details about your enquiry
      Please provide details about your enquiry

      ^Privacy Notice:

      People’s Choice Credit Union is collecting the above information so that we may respond to your enquiry and provide information in relation to products and services we provide. We will only use this information, unless you are already a member or subsequently decide to obtain a service or product from us,  to respond to your enquiry and to contact you from time to time to provide you with information about services and products which may be of interest to you (including products and services of third parties). We may not be able to contact you if you do not provide to us this information. You can opt out of receiving direct marketing from us at any time. We disclose your personal information to relevant members of our staff. We may also disclose your personal information to agents, contractors, government agencies and bodies  who assist us in our dealings with you. Our Privacy Policy (which you can obtain at this link, in branch or by contacting us on 13 11 82 and asking for a copy) contains more information on how you can access and correct your personal information, how we use your personal information (including how to opt out of marketing), how to complain if you believe we’ve breached our privacy obligations, and how we deal with complaints. It also provides more detail on how we manage and protect your personal information if you are interested. People's Choice address is 50 Flinders St, Adelaide, 5000.